About Us
Execuwear was founded by Christine O’Donnell in 1991.
After graduating 2nd in her year from The Gordon-Flack Davidson Academy of Design in 1986, Christine began her career working for a small family business whose primary function was the design and manufacture of hotel and casino staff uniforms. Sun International was their primary and largest client and so she had enormous exposure to all of the casino’s that they owned and what is involved with dressing all of the different areas ie, kitchen staff, back of house, restaurants, front of house etc. She spent many years focused on hotels and casino’s doing business in South Africa, Namibia and even as far afield as Gabon where she did the uniforms for the Gabonese police.
Driving Industry Trends
Over the years Christine has grown the company into a much more diverse manufacturer. This came about by identifying high demand in areas previously not explored and also through identifying markets where her creative bent could be put to better use. Both the security and the logistics industry’s have now become a much greater focus for Execuwear. Because Christine is such an advocate of high impact imaging, she’s found these two industries’ a great place to make use of her creative flare. She has found that uniforms which constitute quite a large cost to a company, are of far better value to the company if they are made to be memorable instead of just another run of the mill uniform, the same as everyone else has.
Making A First Impression
There’s an adage that says “You can only make a first impression once” so since it is costing the company anyway, why not maximise your bang for your buck. Instead of being like everyone else, be bold and brave and fun and dress your staff in clothing that will turn heads. Your staff must be walking adverts for your company, working with pride and enthusiasm. What you wear has an enormous effect on how you behave all day. If you dress your staff in an ordinary mundane way, they will behave the same way, but if you dress them in something with some flair and design that makes them turn heads, they will feel like they’re on show and they will behave with flare.
How you dress your staff plays an enormous role in how they perform for your company. The law of the Universe says “whatever you put out, comes back tenfold” and this is never truer than with how you present yourself to the world each day. Over the years Christine has changed the image of small businesses which have then taken off and grown into huge organisations because amongst other things, they became visible firstly and more importantly, the attitude of the staff changed.
Stay in Touch
20 Tana Road,
Randburg, GP 2195
M - F : 8am–5pm
Sat : Closed
Sun : Closed